Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Covered Wagon

I came across the poem below as I was investigating books on rving and travel trailers. I like it so much I am going to have it framed and hang it in the rv. Today is Sunday, the day I read my Rv.Travel newsletter. Have a good one!

New Covered Wagon

Across the far horizons of the west
The covered wagon rides the trail again
No oxen pull it now. The wagon keeps
The swifter, pace of modern men.

From coast to coast it rolls; not months but days
Now clock the westward coast from sea to sea
The methods change, their purpose is the same
And turning wheels can still make history.

To go – to see the mountains and the plains
To leave the noise of cities far behind
To seek a fairer fate; at least, to flee
The dull monotony of daily grind –

Time has not dulled the urge. The wanderlust
Lives on forever in the hearts of men.
Trails have grown smooth and comfort goes along
As covered wagons travel west again.

 Gene Lindberg

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